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Participation in SSHOC-CH is possible for Swiss organizations, understood broadly as national, local or cantonal research or data infrastructures, national nodes of European research infrastructures, academic institutions, long-term infrastructure projects, GLAM institutions, administrative institutions, etc.
It is an academic research institute in Aarau which conducts fundamental research and addresses contemporary issues related to democracy in Switzerland, Europe, and worldwide. It is financed by the University of Zurich (UZH), the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), the city of Aarau, and the canton of Aargau.
CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure – is a pan-European research infrastructure aiming to render accessible all digital language resources and tools from all over Europe through a single sign-on online environment. Several Swiss academic institutions have manifested their intention to join CLARIN, first as an Observer member and later as Full member. For this, they have founded the consortium CLARIN-CH on 18 December 2020. It is hosted by the University of Zurich.
It is the Swiss Digital Research Infrastructure for arts and humanities in Basel. The mission of the DARIAH-CH Consortium is to build an active and impactful national network to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. DARIAH’s activities in Switzerland are coordinated by the Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH.
It is a research centre for studies in the history of Swiss foreign policy, Dodis conducts basic research on the contemporary history of Switzerland since 1848. It is located in Bern and funded by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.
It is a national organization that hosts various infrastructure activities, including the collection of social science survey data, data archiving and management support, the development and hosting of the SWISSUbase data archiving and sharing platform, and the organisation or facilitation of international and national collaborative projects, as well as conducting many research activities. FORS is located at UNIL and it is funded by the SNSF, by the University of Lausanne and by third-party projects that represent additional sources of funding.
It gathers materials related to women's history, provides access to them, guides researchers on available resources, and shares its expertise with a wide audience. Gosteli-Archive is located in Worblaufen and has been funded by the federal government (SERI), the Canton of Bern, the Burgergemeinde Bern and Ittigen local council. It is also dependent on donations.
It is a reference work on Swiss history, compiled according to scientific principles, interconnected and multimedia. It is located in Bern with branch offices in Mendrisio and Maladers. It is an initiative of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, under the patronage of the Swiss Historical Society.
It is a national research infrastructure for the historical sciences in Switzerland. Its mission is to strengthen the visibility of Swiss historical research on the Web, to develop transversal forms of scientific communication, and to act as a competence centre to experiment and support innovations related to digitisation in the historical sciences. is located in Bern and was created in 2008 as an initiative of the Swiss Historical Society (SSH) and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (ASSH).
It is specialised in migration and mobility studies. Its mission is to deepen understanding of contemporary migration and mobility issues both within Switzerland and internationally. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the center unites research efforts across social sciences, economics, and law. The NCCR - on the move is managed at the University of Neuchâtel and funded by the SNSF.
It is a research institution that publishes sources of old law up to 1798 in the collection of Swiss law sources. This research project is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation and by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences and is supported by numerous public and private institutions. Research is currently being carried out in the cantons of Fribourg, Geneva, Grisons, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen, Schaffhausen, Ticino, Valais and Vaud.
It is involved in the digital edition of Gottfried Semper's works and in the public perception and popularisation of architecture in the 19th century. The edition of Semper's manuscripts provides access to 19th-century manuscripts on architectural theory to readers and scholars. Located in Zurich, The Semper edition is a collaboration between the gta Institute of ETH Zurich and the Institute of History and Theory of Art and Architecture (ISA) at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Mendrisio. It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).
It is an important network of the SSH in Switzerland. On behalf of the Swiss Confederation, the SAHS promotes scientific infrastructures, exchange and communication formats and is committed to making the value of the humanities and social sciences visible. SAHS is located in Bern.
It is an association of disciplinary academies and different competence centers. As the largest academic network in Switzerland, they foster the dialogue between science and society. The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences underscore their joint strategic focus with ten goals in their core mission. The goals have an influence on all of the Academies’ activities. It is located in Bern.
It has been founded in 1951 as a competence centre for art scholarship and art technology with both a national and an international focus. Its primary activities are research, documentation, dissemination of knowledge and services in the field of fine art. Its core speciality is the production of art in Switzerland from the Middle Ages to the present day. SIK-ISEA is located in Zurich and finances its research projects entirely out of contributions received from foundations, benefactors and providers of grants.
It is a documentation centre which records and disseminates information on numismatic finds – coin finds and relevant documentations – from Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. It was founded in 1992 in Bern by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences and is one of their research infrastructures, focusing on archaeological numismatics.
It is a research data infrastructure which provides expertise in research data management and long-term preservation, such as consulting, training and data archiving for researchers. Since 2021, DaSCH (located in Basel) has operated as a national research data infrastructure primarily funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
University of Bern
University of Lausanne
University of Zurich
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
It is a university of applied sciences, offering teaching, research, continuing education and other services that are both practice-oriented and science-based. The Digital Discourse Lab develops the language data platform Swiss-AL. As a multilingual text collection of Swiss public communication, Swiss-AL enables the data-based analysis of public discourses. It is available to researchers and the public as an ORD resource. It is a founding member of CLARIN-CH and a supporter of Swissdox@LiRI.