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organizations [2025/01/30 11:23] Letizia Volpinorganizations [2025/03/10 10:36] (current) Letizia Volpin
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 Participation in SSHOC-CH is possible for Swiss organizations, understood broadly as national, local or cantonal research or data infrastructures, national nodes of European research infrastructures, academic institutions, long-term infrastructure projects, GLAM institutions, administrative institutions, etc. Participation in SSHOC-CH is possible for Swiss organizations, understood broadly as national, local or cantonal research or data infrastructures, national nodes of European research infrastructures, academic institutions, long-term infrastructure projects, GLAM institutions, administrative institutions, etc.
-===== ====== Infrastructures ====== =====+===== ====== Infrastructures and Institutions ====== =====
 +  * **[[https://www.histoirerurale.ch/afa/index.php/en/ | The Archives of Rural History (ARH)]]** 
 +They are an independent institute active in archiving of sources, scientific research and the dissemination of information and knowledge. Since its foundation in 2002, the first "virtual" archives in Switzerland have developed into a centre of archiving and historical research on rural society. 
   * **[[https://www.zdaarau.ch/en/ | Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau]]**   * **[[https://www.zdaarau.ch/en/ | Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau]]**
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 It is specialised in migration and mobility studies. Its mission is to deepen understanding of contemporary migration and mobility issues both within Switzerland and internationally. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the center unites research efforts across social sciences, economics, and law. The NCCR - on the move is managed at the University of Neuchâtel and funded by the SNSF.  It is specialised in migration and mobility studies. Its mission is to deepen understanding of contemporary migration and mobility issues both within Switzerland and internationally. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the center unites research efforts across social sciences, economics, and law. The NCCR - on the move is managed at the University of Neuchâtel and funded by the SNSF. 
 +  * **[[https://www.ssrq-sds-fds.ch/en/home/ | Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins]]**
 +It is a research institution that publishes sources of old law up to 1798 in the collection of Swiss law sources. This research project is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation and by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences and is supported by numerous public and private institutions. Research is currently being carried out in the cantons of Fribourg, Geneva, Grisons, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen, Schaffhausen, Ticino, Valais and Vaud.
 +  * **[[ https://www.idiotikon.ch | Schweizerisches Idiotikon]]**
 +It documents the Alemannic vernacular in Switzerland from the 13th through to the 21st century. It also operates the digital Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz, maintains a portal for Swiss place name research and another for Swiss family name research, and is developing a Swiss German dialect corpus.
   * **[[https://www.semper-edition.ch | Semper edition]]**    * **[[https://www.semper-edition.ch | Semper edition]]** 
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   * **[[https://www.dsl.unibe.ch | The Data Science Lab (DSL)]]** offers institution-wide support for researchers and research groups in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Digital Humanities, and research IT related matters. The joint development and usage of platforms and infrastructures plays a key role in the mission of the DSL.   * **[[https://www.dsl.unibe.ch | The Data Science Lab (DSL)]]** offers institution-wide support for researchers and research groups in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Digital Humanities, and research IT related matters. The joint development and usage of platforms and infrastructures plays a key role in the mission of the DSL.
   * **[[https://www.ipw.unibe.ch/services/anne_politique_suisse/index_eng.html | Année Politique Suisse (Institute of Political Science)]]**, has been compiling a chronicle of Swiss politics since 1965. Political analysts document key events in Switzerland through brief, research-based summaries, which are made available to researchers and the public via a freely accessible online platform. The chronicle helps to place current political events within a broader historical, socio-political, and thematic context.   * **[[https://www.ipw.unibe.ch/services/anne_politique_suisse/index_eng.html | Année Politique Suisse (Institute of Political Science)]]**, has been compiling a chronicle of Swiss politics since 1965. Political analysts document key events in Switzerland through brief, research-based summaries, which are made available to researchers and the public via a freely accessible online platform. The chronicle helps to place current political events within a broader historical, socio-political, and thematic context.
   * **[[https://www.dh.unibe.ch/index_eng.html | Digital humanities]]** offer a variety of courses designed for scholars at all stages, from undergraduates to post-doctoral researchers. It is already firmly integrated into several projects across the Faculty of Humanities at Bern, covering fields like History, Philology, Linguistics, German Studies, Romance Languages, and Music. Digital edition of Alexander von Humboldt’s "Complete writings", edited by Oliver Lubrich and Thomas Nehrlich, is hosted by the Digital Humanities department.   * **[[https://www.dh.unibe.ch/index_eng.html | Digital humanities]]** offer a variety of courses designed for scholars at all stages, from undergraduates to post-doctoral researchers. It is already firmly integrated into several projects across the Faculty of Humanities at Bern, covering fields like History, Philology, Linguistics, German Studies, Romance Languages, and Music. Digital edition of Alexander von Humboldt’s "Complete writings", edited by Oliver Lubrich and Thomas Nehrlich, is hosted by the Digital Humanities department.
   * **[[http://www.hallernet.org | HallerNet]]** has been developed for the Albrecht von Haller Foundation, hallerNet is an edition and research platform created through the Haller online project (2016-2019), in collaboration with the University of Bern and the Cologne Centre for eHumanities CCeH.   * **[[http://www.hallernet.org | HallerNet]]** has been developed for the Albrecht von Haller Foundation, hallerNet is an edition and research platform created through the Haller online project (2016-2019), in collaboration with the University of Bern and the Cologne Centre for eHumanities CCeH.
-  * **[[https://www.germanistik.unibe.ch/index_eng.html | Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures]]**+ 
 +  * **[[https://www.germanistik.unibe.ch/index_eng.html | Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures]]** is divided into two subject areas: Literature Studies (with two sub-sections) and Linguistics. Additionally it offers a special area of study in Comparative Literature (General and Comparative Literature Studies).
 **University of Lausanne** **University of Lausanne**
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   * **[[https://www.liri.uzh.ch/en.html | Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI)]]** provides extensive support for research in linguistics, language sciences, and related fields. It offers a complete range of services covering all phases of a research project, from experimental design to data acquisition and processing, along with language technology services and statistical consulting. Additionally, the Swissdox@LiRI service grants subscribers from partner institutions access to a vast database of Swiss media texts. For research data generated through collaborations with Swiss universities, LiRI works with LaRS and SWISSUbase to offer researchers robust data archiving solutions at the conclusion of their projects.   * **[[https://www.liri.uzh.ch/en.html | Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI)]]** provides extensive support for research in linguistics, language sciences, and related fields. It offers a complete range of services covering all phases of a research project, from experimental design to data acquisition and processing, along with language technology services and statistical consulting. Additionally, the Swissdox@LiRI service grants subscribers from partner institutions access to a vast database of Swiss media texts. For research data generated through collaborations with Swiss universities, LiRI works with LaRS and SWISSUbase to offer researchers robust data archiving solutions at the conclusion of their projects.
   * **[[https://www.sari.uzh.ch/en.html | Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI)]]** is a Technology Platform which provides data services for the Humanities. In particular, it offers integrated access to research data, digitized visual resources, and related reference materials across various fields, including art history, design history, photography, film studies, architecture, urban planning, archaeology, history, religious studies, and other visual studies disciplines, as well as the broader field of digital humanities.   * **[[https://www.sari.uzh.ch/en.html | Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI)]]** is a Technology Platform which provides data services for the Humanities. In particular, it offers integrated access to research data, digitized visual resources, and related reference materials across various fields, including art history, design history, photography, film studies, architecture, urban planning, archaeology, history, religious studies, and other visual studies disciplines, as well as the broader field of digital humanities.
-  * **[[https://www.jacobscenter.uzh.ch/en.html | The Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development]]** is a scientific center focused on youth development. The Center is a joint venture between the University of Zurich and the Jacobs Foundation: //**The Zurich Project on Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso)**// affiliated with the Jacob Center is a prospective large-scale panel study started in 2004 at age 7 aimed at investigating the development of violence, delinquency, substance use, and mental health in the life course and included a cluster RCT aimed at evaluating the efficacy of two early violence prevention programs. **//The JCPYD//**, a collaborative effort between the University of Zurich and the Jacobs Foundation, is dedicated to advancing the understanding of child and youth development through interdisciplinary and collaborative research. At the heart of its mission lies the integration of insights from sociology, psychology, neuroscience, and economics to explore the complex factors influencing child and youth development—from family dynamics to education and cognitive processes. The JCPYD is committed to conducting locally relevant and globally significant research to address societal challenges and foster innovative solutions. + 
 +  * **[[https://www.hist.uzh.ch/de/fachbereiche/altegeschichte/lehrstuehle/maier/AIncient-Studies-Lab.html | The AIncient Studies Lab (AISL)]]** at the University of Zurich's Department of History was established in 2024 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Felix K. Maier. It integrates traditional historical research with artificial intelligence. The lab focuses on exploring the ancient world through modern techniques in automated text and image processing.  
 +  * **[[https://www.jacobscenter.uzh.ch/en.html | The Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development]]** is a scientific center focused on youth development. The Center is a joint venture between the University of Zurich and the Jacobs Foundation: //**The Zurich Project on Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso)**// affiliated with the Jacob Center is a prospective large-scale panel study started in 2004 at age 7 aimed at investigating the development of violence, delinquency, substance use, and mental health in the life course and included a cluster RCT aimed at evaluating the efficacy of two early violence prevention programs. The JCPYD, a collaborative effort between the University of Zurich and the Jacobs Foundation, is dedicated to advancing the understanding of child and youth development through interdisciplinary and collaborative research. At the heart of its mission lies the integration of insights from sociology, psychology, neuroscience, and economics to explore the complex factors influencing child and youth development—from family dynamics to education and cognitive processes. The JCPYD is committed to conducting locally relevant and globally significant research to address societal challenges and foster innovative solutions. 
 **ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences**  **ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences** 
-It is a university of applied sciences in Switzerland. It offers teaching, research, continuing education and other services that are both practice-oriented and science-based. It develops the language data platform Swiss-AL. As a multilingual text collection of Swiss public communication, Swiss-AL enables the data-based analysis of public discourses. It is available to researchers and the public as an ORD resource. It is a founding member of CLARIN-CH and a supporter of Swissdox@LiRI.+It is a university of applied sciences, offering teaching, research, continuing education and other services that are both practice-oriented and science-based. The **[[https://www.zhaw.ch/en/linguistics/business-services/digital-discourse-lab|Digital Discourse Lab]]** develops the language data platform Swiss-AL. As a multilingual text collection of Swiss public communication, Swiss-AL enables the data-based analysis of public discourses. It is available to researchers and the public as an ORD resource. It is a founding member of CLARIN-CH and a supporter of Swissdox@LiRI.
organizations.1738232595.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/30 11:23 by Letizia Volpin