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members [2024/10/29 17:44] – removed Seraina Nadigmembers [2025/03/10 10:29] (current) Letizia Volpin
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 +====== Members of the SSHOC-CH Association ======
 +Membership in SSHOC-CH is open to people who carry out research and work or have worked in research infrastructures based in Switzerland, or who are committed to research infrastructures (whether national or the Swiss nodes of international research infrastructures).
 +Our definition and understanding of the notion “research infrastructure” is broad, which presents the advantage to be included and allow for a dynamic development that can adapt to the evolving needs of researchers.
 +**Individual members:** 
 +  * [[https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2927-7471 | Ackermann Rahel]], Director, Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (SICF) 
 +  * [[https://www.zdaarau.ch/en/mitarbeitende/dr-laurent-bernhard/ | Bernhard Laurent]], Project coordinator, The Centre for Democracy (ZDA)
 +  * [[https://www.ds.uzh.ch/apps/cms/pfs/personen_en.php?detail=22| Bubenhofer Noah]], Professor, Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI), University of Zurich 
 +  * [[https://www.centre-lives.ch/en/membre/buhlmann-felix | Bühlmann Felix]], Associate professor, Swiss Elite Observatory (OBELIS), University of Lausanne
 +  * [[https://search.usi.ch/en/people/79460f37a67fd23a8feb03a7a99b8310/chestnova-elena | Chestnova Elena]], Researcher, Academy of Architecture USI
 +  * [[https://www.dh.unibe.ch/about_us/people/daengeli_peter/index_eng.html | Dängeli Peter]], Research associate, Data Science Lab (DSL), University of Bern 
 +  * [[https://akademien-schweiz.ch/de/themen/wissenschaftskultur/open-science/ | Denk Olivia]], Scientific collaborator and specialist on Open Science, The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
 +  * [[https://www.zhaw.ch/en/about-us/person/dree | Dreesen Philipp]], Professor, ZHAW
 +  * [[https://www.sik-isea.ch/en-us/About-us/About-us/Staff/details?user=roger.fayet | Fayet Roger]], Director, The Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA)
 +  * [[https://daw.philhist.unibas.ch/de/personen/rita-gautschy/ | Gautschy Rita]], Director and head of repository Services, DaSCH
 +  * [[https://www.ipw.unibe.ch/about_us/people/dr_gerber_marlne/index_eng.html | Gerber Marlène]], Co-director Année Politique Suisse, Institute of Political Science, University of Bern
 +  * [[https://www.linguistik.uzh.ch/de/about/mitarbeiter/CLARIN-CH/cgrisot.html | Grisot Cristina]], National Coordinator CLARIN-CH
 +  * [[https://www.jacobscenter.uzh.ch/en/people/research/hanappi.html | Hanappi Doris]], Research Associate, Jacobs Center, University of Zurich
 +  * [[https://www.hist.unibe.ch/about_us/people/heinzmann_lukas/index_eng.html | Heinzmann Lukas]], University of Bern, Digital Humanities 
 +  * [[https://www.dodis.ch/en/lena-heizmann-ma | Heizmann Lena]], Academic researcher, Research Centre Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (Dodis)
 +  * [[https://www.dh.unibe.ch/about_us/people/prof_dr_hodel_tobias/index_eng.html | Hodel Tobias]], Assistant professor, University of Bern
 +  * [[https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3465-1798 | Immenhauser Beat]], Executive team member and general secretary in co-leadership, SAGW 
 +  * [[https://www.gosteli-archiv.ch/en/ueber-uns/team-und-gremien | Isler Simona]], Co-director, Gosteli-Archive 
 +  * [[https://forscenter.ch/staff/brian-kleiner/ | Kleiner Brian]], Head of unit DMAS, FORS
 +  * [[https://www.zhaw.ch/en/about-us/person/krss | Krasselt Julia]], Professor, ZHAW
 +  * [[https://forscenter.ch/staff/georg-lutz/ | Lutz Georg]], Director, FORS
 +  * [[https://www.idiotikon.ch/ueber-uns/team/christoph-landolt|Landolt Christoph]], Editor-in-Chief, Schweizerisches Idiotikon
 +  * [[https://www.dh.unibe.ch/about_us/people/dr_sc_maehr_moritz/index_eng.html | Mähr Moritz]], Associate Researcher, University of Bern, Digital Humanities
 +  * [[https://www.zhaw.ch/de/ueber-uns/person/maho | Mahlow Cerstin]], Professor, ZHAW
 +  * [[https://www.hist.unibe.ch/about_us/people/matter_sonja/index_eng.html | Matter Sonja]], Associated Researcher, University of Bern 
 +  * [[https://www.ub.uzh.ch/en/ueber-die-ub/ub_organisation/ub_mitarbeitende/rudolf_mumenthaler.html | Rudolf Mumenthaler]], Professor, University of Zurich
 +  * [[https://www.infoclio.ch/en/about-us-0 | Natale Enrico]], Managing Director, Infoclio.ch 
 +  * [[https://www.germanistik.unibe.ch/about_us/personen/dr_nehrlich_thomas/index_eng.html | Nehrlich Thomas]], Assistant to prof. Lubrich, University of Bern
 +  * [[https://nccr-onthemove.ch/who-is-who/people/?start=p&p_id=1375 | Perret Andreas]], Data Manager, National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR)
 +  * [[https://www.jacobscenter.uzh.ch/en/research/leaps/team/ribeaud.html | Ribeaud Denis]], Co-Project Director, z-proso, Jacobs Center, University of Zurich
 +  * [[https://www.idiotikon.ch/ueber-uns/team/tobias-roth | Roth Tobias]], Head of the IT/Language Technology department, Schweizerisches Idiotikon
 +  * [[https://www.dh.unibe.ch/about_us/people/dr_des_schneider_christa/index_eng.html | Schneider Christa]], Head of Studies, lecturer, research associate, University of Bern
 +  * [[https://www.histoirerurale.ch/afa/index.php/en/about-us | Schreiber Claudia]], Responsable for the records management and the archiving, The Archives of Rural History (ARH) 
 +  * [[https://library.ethz.ch/en/archiving-and-digitising/open-data/digital-scholarship-services.html | Sibille Christiane]], Head, Digital Scholarship Services
 +  * [[https://forscenter.ch/staff/michele-ernst-staehli/ | Stähli Michèle Ernst]], Head of group INT, FORS  
 +  * [[https://forscenter.ch/staff/stephanie-steinmetz/ | Steinmetz Stephanie]], Associate professor, University of Lausanne
 +  * [[https://libraries.dsi.uzh.ch/member/phillip-benjamin-strobel/ | Ströbel Phillip Benjamin]], Research Associate, University of Zurich   
 +  * [[https://www.hist.unibe.ch/about_us/people/stuber_martin/index_eng.html | Stuber Martin]], Senior Scientist, hallerNet, Institute of History / Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Bern 
 +  * [[https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/de/about/company/02-team | Summermatter Stephanie]], Directrice, Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HDS) 
 +  * [[https://www.iaw.unibe.ch/about_us/va_personen/dr_suter_claudia_e/index_eng.html | Sutter Claudia]], Associate researcher, University of Bern
 +  * [[https://www.ssrq-sds-fds.ch/en/service-menu/contact/ | Sutter Pascale]], Head of the Law Sources Foundation
 +  * [[https://www.germanistik.unibe.ch/about_us/personen/pd_dr_thoeny_luzius/index_eng.html | Thöny Luzius]], Deputy project lead and researcher, Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Bern
 +  * [[https://www.sari.uzh.ch/en/organisation/executive-board/tristan-weddigen.html | Weddigen Tristan]], President of the Executive Board, Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI), University of Zurich
 +  * [[https://www.ub.uzh.ch/en/ueber-die-ub/ub_organisation/ub_mitarbeitende/gabi_wuethrich.html | Wüthrich Gabi]], Liaison Librarian, University of Zurich 
 +  * [[https://www.dodis.ch/en/profile/research-group/sacha-zala | Zala Sacha]], Director, Research Centre Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (Dodis)  
members.1730220254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/29 17:44 by Seraina Nadig